Stretch software, video processors, and PCIe add-in cards provide a complete video solution for digital video recorder (DVR), hybrid video recorder (hDVR/hNVR), and network video recorder (NVR) applications.

Video Processors
Stretch software configurable processors were designed for compute-intensive applications such as high-speed video and image processing.

Production Add-In Cards
Stretch VRC7000 Series PCIe add-in cards use the power and flexibility of Stretch VRC7000 family processors to deliver the surveillance industry’s best image quality at the lowest available cost per channel. VRC7000 cards are optimized for compression and have multi-CODEC, multichannel capability. VDC7000 cards have universal decode and extensive image post processing capabilities. Both VRC and VDC cards use the same rich and intuitive application programming interface (API) to ensure interoperability and fast time to market with system solutions.

The Stretch Intelligent Encoder Software Development Kit (SDK) features state of the art CODECs including the H.264 Scalable Video CODEC and uses embedded analytics to adapt the processing algorithms in response to changes in the video stream. Extensive video pre and post processing ensures the best possible video quality while a simple and intuitive application programming interface for the DVR designs ensures easy integration with host application software.